Tuesday, October 22, 2019

"Forest Bathing"....an abstract painting by Indian artist Manisha Vedpathak

My readers did not see my new posts for 2 reasons. First I wasn't able to insert image for some technical reason for so long. Second I was very busy with my upcoming exhibitions in November. By  joining a team of 2 female artists named Smita Raje-Deshpande and Vaishali Rajapurkar, I have entered curation. The name of this group is Artlane  who is dedicated to art and they hold exhibitions , discussions , art talks under the banner of  "Kalagoshthi". Will keep updating with all the activities of this group.
   Hopefully I will be able to insert images and post regularly.

It's amazing about how beautiful and  fresh the air is when you walk through a lush forest. Sometimes all you need is a walk through the forest to escape from the hustle and bustle of the urban life. As I am painting more canvases on the theme of dark forest  , I am longing to meander through the lush forest. This series is progressing steadily with Reflection series.
I came across a term called " Forest Bathing". It's nothing but a serene walk in the dense forest. It is actually called Shinrin Yoku and originated in Japan where it was first used as an anti stress therapy in the 1980's. They say the different shades of green have a positive effect on our psyche.
So here is my another painting on dark forest.

This painting I had posted earlier. I added more layers to the painting .

Wednesday, June 26, 2019

"Andhaarban"....Palette knife painting by Indian artist Manisha Vedpathak

Recently did a live painting at "Paintathon" event organised by Cloud 9. On the similar theme did two more paintings of the same size.

"Andhaarban", 24"x24", acrylic on canvas
Andhaarban is a word in my language,Marathi. the meaning is Dark Forest .

Some problem with uploading the images. I will try to post the other image in my next post.

Wednesday, June 5, 2019

Live painting at "Paintathon".....by Indian artist Manisha Vedpathak

There was an event organized by Cloud 9 where I got an opportunity to do live painting. I did a palette knife painting.

Paintathon- an event by Cloud 9 at Phoenix mall, 2nd June 2019.

Friday, May 31, 2019

Showcase at Mercedes Benz Showroom ,Pune.....by Indian artist Manisha Vedpathak

Got an opportunity to showcase my abstract paintings at Mercedes Benz showroom, B.U. Bhandari, Pune. My paintings are showcased along with my Artlane team, Smita RajeDeshpande and Vaishali Rajapurkar. It started with the Customer meet event at the showroom and will be showcased for a week .Many thanks to B.U.Bhandari and Mercedes Benz.
Here are some pics:
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Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Kalagoshthi .....by Indian artist Manisha Vedpathak

Both my babies( though not babies anymore) have left their nest. One is in Rotterdam doing her BBA and elder one shifted to Bangalore for a new job. My husband and I will be travelling frequently now. There is this group called Artlane founded by Smita Raje Deshpande and Vaishali Rajapurkar who curates an annual exhibition under the name Kalagoshthi. Last year I had participated in their exhibition which was a collaboration of visual and verbal artist.
 Now this year I am joining this group and we are curating an exhibition which will be held in December 2019. The title of the exhibition is " Van Gogh letters retold"
Here is the call for Artists:

Please note that the ideation submission date has been extended to 15th June.

Sunday, April 14, 2019

One more in Reflection series....by Indian artist Manisha Vedpathak

I was in Rotterdam for 15 days with my younger daughter. After coming back I completed the unfinished from the Reflection series. Here is the one.
"Reflection VII"
Ink on canvas, 24"x24"

Saturday, March 23, 2019

Phoenix Womens Art Camp.....by Indian artist Manisha Vedpathak

Posting about the Artist Camp quite a late as I was busy packing for my travel to Rotterdam right after the camp.
Today I am posting from Rotterdam.
It was a wonderful experience while painting live at Phoenix Womens Art Camp. We were 10 artists from our city Pune. Wonderful arrangement by IGA Galleria and the Phoenix mall. Had fun painting as well as interacting with viewers passing by. We painted 2 canvases. I chose African theme. I was surprised by myself with stamina specially with the recently diagnosed Rheumatoid.
 Here are some of the pics: