Sunday, October 1, 2017

"Abundance" abstract by Manisha Vedpathak

All my life I have believed the Law of Physics that opposites attract opposites,
but according to the Law of Attraction, "Likes attract Likes". I have been posting
my painting in progress on this theme. I am finally done with it. 

The entire concept of Law of Attraction is based on like attracts like. There is a lot 
of information on LOA(Law of attraction). There are people coaching LOA, 
courses teaching you how to practice this Law and various articles explaining it. 
So I won't go into details explaining the Law as one post is not enough to write about LOA.
The Law of Attraction states that whatever you think of consistently, gets created. Your
 thoughts are powerful magnets and you willget what you consistently think about 
whether you want it or not.  So start intentionally thinking about what you would 
like in your life- such as money, love, relationships, health, spirituality-for the LOA
 to work for you. 
 There are various ways of practicing this Law. There are leaders who can coach you 
through it. While browsing through all this information on the internet, I came across
              something called a Vision Board. Vision boards have become a really popular exercise
for figuring out exactly what you want in your life. These boards contain images
 and words that resonate with what you want to attract your way. Secondly, the i
mages serve as a great reminder of your desires. Each day, you can look at the
 board and remind yourself of what you’re trying to attract. 
Financial abundance is the number onereason people become interested in the 
Law of Attraction. So my paintingis a sort of a vision board for people who 
want to attract prosperity. It comprises of money and the material things that 
money can buy (like property, car etc), freedom, luck and relationships. 
Hang this painting in such a place that you can see this everyday. Take out
time everyday to review the visualization exercises and prep your mind 
and body to receive this incredible gift.
They say that "Gratitude will shift you to a higher frequency and you will
 attract much better things".Creating this piece of work was a gratifying experience
 for me and I am very satisfied with the outcome. If you are interested in this piece
 of artwork or want to commission one, contact me here:

Wednesday, August 23, 2017

"The law of attraction" abstract by Manisha Vedpathak

A few months after I came to India, I happened to meet a guy who introduced me to a concept or I can say a philosophical topic of Law of Attraction . I had then decided to put this on my canvas, had done a sketch as well. But with other paintings to complete and the portrait studies, this was laid back.
Two weeks back I started this painting but I am a bit slow as I am also reading more and more on Law of Attraction. There is a lot of stuff on Internet about this. There are people who follow and practice this and there are people who don't believe in this concept.
I have always been an optimist and so I believe in this Law . I am posting the painting which is half way done . I want to add quotes to the canvas but still finding various ways to do that.
Today I will post the painting in process but will surely talk about Law of Attraction when the painting is complete. Till then if you are eager to know more, do read about this on the Net or books.

Monday, July 31, 2017

Work in progress....A portrait by Manisha Vedpathak

One more portrait study. 

Work is in process. Still have to work on the right eye. 
Hoping to finish it today.

Sunday, July 16, 2017

Artwork In Manisha Vedpathak

Came across the word "In Situ" in one of the artists blogs.
I did know about the virtual gallery but didn't know the word In Situ.
Out of curiosity searched for this word on google and found
out that in art, In Situ means a place where the artwork is
installed or exhibited. Its more of a realistic visual tool for artists.
 For eg, photograph of your art in a living room showing a portion
of the living room instead of just your artwork.
This will give a new dimension to the presentation of the artworks,
giving people the "visual" of how art fits in the environment which
will help them make art choices.

For days I was trying to find out a way to display my
Artworks in situ. I came across some very good softwares but
 none of them were free. I wanted some free online software to start with.
A few months back, I finally found one which
 you need not install and was free. It's a great app for artists.
This site is called
Here are the photos of my recent artwork in situ.

Wednesday, July 12, 2017

An abstract by Manisha Vedpathak

A new abstract painting , a big one after a long time.
Painting of circles , sacred circles, circles of life.
My circle story.... entangled circles depict life circles. There are layers upon
layers ,texture...Though texture is not seen in the photo very clearly.
The rectangles in red and green depict the paths in our life.
 Sometimes  we have one or more paths going in the same direction and
 its our skill to choose the right one. Arrows show that 
sometimes we are fortunate to have direct direction in life , where we have to lead.
My elder daughter, Janhavi, likes creative  writing. I asked her if she
 could write a few lines for this painting. And this is what she handed me....

" They say life is a cycle, you are going to end up where you came from. 
These cycles are often entangled. There are directions, the first 
which is inevitable, the second which we choose. The first is
 human development which starts from infancy to old age. 
The second is the direction which build us as people. This direction
 is full of paths we choose that moulds us. Surely, a person
 choosing to be an actress will mould herself differently than 
someone who plans to be a writer.We will see an ocean of paths,
 but the skill lies in choosing which suits and shapes your life the best".

Do write me if you liked this writeup or if you have some other 
perspective of my painting. Couldn't find a good title so decided
to post it any way till I find one. Would appreciate if my readers
could suggest one.

Untitled, acrylic on canvas
Available. Contact:

Thursday, June 22, 2017