Wednesday, November 16, 2016

"Less is more" abstract painting by Indian artist Manisha Vedpathak

With the current condition in India, people are managing with very 
less cash in hand, by surviving with fewer needs. There is a cash
 crunch everywhere. I started this painting on the day the government
 declared that 500 and 1000 currency notes will be banned in an 
effort to curb black money, causing a stir in the country. 
People have left with only 100 Rs and below and cannot withdraw
 a bigger amount from ATM as well as from the banks. 
 Now I won't  go into details of the political scenario but my painting reflects what 
people are learning from this situation. LESS IS MORE. This is represented
 by the simplicity of the painting. I have just filled up the shapes with
 different shades of red and yellow and I loved it. 

"Less is more"
Acrylic on canvas, 12"x 35"

Thank you for reading my blog.

Saturday, November 12, 2016

"Circle Story"....acrylic on canvas by Manisha Vedpathak

"Circle Story"
Acrylic on canvas, 24"x32"

I  enjoyed working this painting with palette kinfe.
I first painted the circles and I stopped, thinking that I have finished
the painting. The same day while going through my photographs 
I came across a picture of this crow who happened to land in our
balcony . There was some food stuck in his beak and was trying 
to find a way to remove it. That was the time I clicked him.
Now when I saw this pic , I could not resist myself  painting this crow
on my circles and I really loved it. it has brought life to my painting.
What do you think?

Sunday, November 6, 2016

Friday, September 16, 2016

"Bappa Moraya....2016- Ganapati Paintings"........e group exhibition by Manisha Vedpathak

Recently participated in the Lord Ganesh paintings group exhibition.
Here are some photos from the exhibition:
With the chief guest , Mr Gajaraj Chavan

With Mr Gajaraj Chavan and the curator ,Mr Ramesh Thorat

With fellow artists...

Sunday, August 28, 2016

Painting in my living Manisha Vedpathak

This is one of my paintings hung in my living room. It gives me immense pleasure to 
see this painting everyday till it finds a new home.

Friday, August 26, 2016

"Windows to the soul" abstract by Manisha Vedpathak

A new painting. Totally enjoyed creating this piece especially
the eyes. I do believe that ours eyes are windows to our soul.
Hope you enjoy this painting. 

"Windows to the soul"
Acrylic on canvas, 12.6"x32.28"
For more information contact

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Long Manisha Vedpathak

This time its really been a very long time that I haven't posted any
painting.  It's not that I have not painted anyrthing, I did but nothing 
really serious painting. Also my Laptop got spoiled  and all 
my data is on the harddrive which I have not  retrieved yet. Another 
obstacle is I am not keeping well for a few weeks.
 Well.... I am not giving excuses for not posting  but these are just some
 reasons which kept me away from the blog. But henceforth  I will keep 
posting at least once a week, if not everyday. 
Here are some of the small abstracts that I painted recently: