Sunday, November 6, 2016

Friday, September 16, 2016

"Bappa Moraya....2016- Ganapati Paintings"........e group exhibition by Manisha Vedpathak

Recently participated in the Lord Ganesh paintings group exhibition.
Here are some photos from the exhibition:
With the chief guest , Mr Gajaraj Chavan

With Mr Gajaraj Chavan and the curator ,Mr Ramesh Thorat

With fellow artists...

Sunday, August 28, 2016

Painting in my living Manisha Vedpathak

This is one of my paintings hung in my living room. It gives me immense pleasure to 
see this painting everyday till it finds a new home.

Friday, August 26, 2016

"Windows to the soul" abstract by Manisha Vedpathak

A new painting. Totally enjoyed creating this piece especially
the eyes. I do believe that ours eyes are windows to our soul.
Hope you enjoy this painting. 

"Windows to the soul"
Acrylic on canvas, 12.6"x32.28"
For more information contact

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Long Manisha Vedpathak

This time its really been a very long time that I haven't posted any
painting.  It's not that I have not painted anyrthing, I did but nothing 
really serious painting. Also my Laptop got spoiled  and all 
my data is on the harddrive which I have not  retrieved yet. Another 
obstacle is I am not keeping well for a few weeks.
 Well.... I am not giving excuses for not posting  but these are just some
 reasons which kept me away from the blog. But henceforth  I will keep 
posting at least once a week, if not everyday. 
Here are some of the small abstracts that I painted recently:

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

"Spread your wings".....An abstract by Manisha Vedpathak

Fresh from the easel.
"Spread your wings"
Acrylic on canvas,50x50 cms
For information contact:

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

"Flow", abstract painting by Manisha Vedpathak

Every painting has a life, has a story to tell. I came across something called " notion of flow".
This is a state of heightened focus and immersion in activities like art, play and work. my case it is art.
Exact feelings I had when I started this painting. I got so immersed in painting. I was positively energized. There are times when I paint crazily for 2 hours and then sit back and do the finishing touches the next day. And then there are times when I want to be calm and quite and take 4/5 days to complete a painting , sometimes a week. I was in a state of flow when I began this painting. Yesterday evening I started and finished in two hours with some touch ups done here and there this morning. I have used color flow as well as my fingers to paint. Thoroughly enjoyed. Had ultimate experience of satisfaction.
"Flow", acrylic on canvas,29.9x29.9in