Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Long Manisha Vedpathak

This time its really been a very long time that I haven't posted any
painting.  It's not that I have not painted anyrthing, I did but nothing 
really serious painting. Also my Laptop got spoiled  and all 
my data is on the harddrive which I have not  retrieved yet. Another 
obstacle is I am not keeping well for a few weeks.
 Well.... I am not giving excuses for not posting  but these are just some
 reasons which kept me away from the blog. But henceforth  I will keep 
posting at least once a week, if not everyday. 
Here are some of the small abstracts that I painted recently:

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

"Spread your wings".....An abstract by Manisha Vedpathak

Fresh from the easel.
"Spread your wings"
Acrylic on canvas,50x50 cms
For information contact:

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

"Flow", abstract painting by Manisha Vedpathak

Every painting has a life, has a story to tell. I came across something called " notion of flow".
This is a state of heightened focus and immersion in activities like art, play and work. my case it is art.
Exact feelings I had when I started this painting. I got so immersed in painting. I was positively energized. There are times when I paint crazily for 2 hours and then sit back and do the finishing touches the next day. And then there are times when I want to be calm and quite and take 4/5 days to complete a painting , sometimes a week. I was in a state of flow when I began this painting. Yesterday evening I started and finished in two hours with some touch ups done here and there this morning. I have used color flow as well as my fingers to paint. Thoroughly enjoyed. Had ultimate experience of satisfaction.
"Flow", acrylic on canvas,29.9x29.9in

Monday, May 9, 2016

10 mins colour Manisha Vedpathak

34x 63cms,acrylic on canvas
This above painting of a vase,  I completed in 10mins. It was a colour play and I thoroughly enjoyed it. Today I painted a similar finger painting . This wasn't inspired from any photo but was complete imaginary. These two paintings are something out of the blue for my abstract mind. Stepping out of my route these are purely practice paintings. 
Hope you all enjoy these as much as I do
34x 63cms,acrylic on canvas

Sunday, April 17, 2016

"Ocean Mist"....abstract painting by Manisha Vedpathak

 "Ocean Mist"
Acrylic on canvas, 24"x34"

I thoroughly enjoyed this painting so much so that 
I wish to start another one right away. I had decided to keep my palette restricted to blues and greens. Initially I 
poured color ,the effect of which is seen very little
 in the outcome and then the rest was with my
fingers. With every new painting ,I am falling 
in love with finger painting.I am very pleased with the results of the painting. Hope you all like this ! Thank you for reading my blog.

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Old is Manisha Vedpathak

Have not done any new painting recently, 
though have started one.   But I was missing 
my blog, so decided to post an old painting.
This painting was first in this style . This one
got sold but I  still love this painting.

Sunday, February 28, 2016

"Ghana....The life of a culture" Manisha Vedpathak

My exhibition titled "Ghana...The life of a culture" opened on Saturday 27th Feb,2016 in a very warm atmosphere. We had an audio visual presentation and  I really enjoyed interaction with the audiences, talking to them about my journey as an artist and also about Ghana in general. All in all enjoyable evening. Here are some of the photos of the opening evening:

 Gyaan Adab team has taken extra efforts to research on Ghana and came up
with this collage which was displayed at the entrance of the gallery.
Curator Mr Randheer Khare,who is an award winning writer,poet,artist,
 has written such a beautiful piece about me and my art.


Some of the Artifacts were also displayed in the gallery.

A clipping on Ghana was shown to the audience.

People enjoying Ghanaian food.