Tuesday, February 18, 2020

New Painting, Reflection series continues.....by Indian artist Manisha Vedpathak

  Have started a new painting. Though same Reflection series , this painting is for the show on the occasion of Women's Day. This shows the reflection of a women traveler with a bag. Will post my thoughts on this painting once it is complete.

Meanwhile my Artlane team is busy with organizing the workshops. Recently we had a workshop on Etsy Simplified where the facilitator Ranjeeta Gadkari taught the participants how to open an Etsy shop to sell the artworks.

Wednesday, February 12, 2020

My painting got a new home....by Indian artist Manisha Vedpathak

My painting " Motherhood...the strength of women" got a new home in Oakland, California,USA.
Julia Althoff bought this painting. This was two months before I left to Ghana.
Julia mailed me that she liked my African series of work more than other paintings and showed interest in one painting named " Melange". And she bought that painting as well. It was great working with Julia and her husband Jeff. Thanks a lot Julia and Jeff.
Here is the pic of Julia with the painting "Motherhood". Haven't  received the other pic yet but will post as soon as I receive it from Julia.

Revisiting Ghana....by Indian artist Manisha Vedpathak

I left Ghana(West Africa) in Dec, 2014. Never thought that I will ever visit Ghana again in my life. But since 2017 my husband kept visiting Ghana for his consultancy and here in 2020 I got a chance to open the pages of my life I spent in Ghana. I was excited to visit all those places I had been while in Ghana and recollect my memories. I stayed in Ghana for 14 years so Ghana was my second home and has a very special place in my heart. It has given me an identity of an artist. My first exhibition was held in Accra,Ghana. Ghanaian art and culture has a great influence on my art.
There are many people who write about their visit to Ghana but as an artist I wanted something else.  I wanted this visit to be memorable in an artistic way . I have always been intrigued by artists and their work-spaces so decided to visit Ghanaian artists in their studios and celebrate the creativity of Ghana. I was glad to have been able to visit some of the studios and chat with the artists with the help of some of my artist friends, Directors of Foundation of Contemporary Art, Ghana,  Ato Annan and Adwoa Amoah . Through this blog I intend to bring forth a few Ghanaian artists and then will continue to do studio visits of the artists from my hometown,Pune. I will look forward to meet some more Ghanaian artists in my next visit to Ghana .

Saturday, December 7, 2019

My first step as a curator.....by Indian artist Manisha Vedpathak

After I finished "Panache" , it was tine for my next role as a curator. As I mentioned earlier I had joined a team Artlane and we organised a show under the banner Kalagoshthi and this was our 5th edition and the theme was "Van Gogh's letters retold". This time our venue was club, The Poona Western Club.
It was a fantastic show. we had the show running for 3 days and all 3 days were packed with visitors. It was really very interesting to see how artists interpreted Van Gogh's letters in their own style. Unfortunately I cannot post any images here for some unknown reason, may be some technical problem. I think it is time for me to change the Blogger.

Monday, November 11, 2019

"Panache"....an Exhibition by Indian artist Manisha Vedpathak

My exhibition along with 2 more artists starts today. Opening is at 5.30pm at Art2day Gallery, Pune.
I invite you all for the opening. Those who stay in Pune please drop in for the opening. The show will run through 12th-17th Nov'2019.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

"Panache"....An Art Exhibition by Indian artist Manisha Vedpathak

I am exhibiting my Reflections series in an upcoming exhibition. 
I am collaborating with two more artists. The exhibition starts on 12th Nov and will run till 17th Nov.
The venue is Art2day Gallery , Pune. I am still not able to post any image and I not finding enough 
time to look into it. 
I cordially invite all my readers. Those staying in Pune do drop in .
 The Gallery timings are 11.30am-6.30pm

Thursday, October 31, 2019

Reflection Series continues...by Indian artist Manisha Vedpathak

Same thing is happening again. I am not able to insert images and I don't know how to get blogger help. Can someone help me with this issue?