Showing posts with label African faces. Show all posts
Showing posts with label African faces. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

"Mediators"...Acrylic painting by Manisha Vedpathak

African masks are considered amongst the finest creations in the
 art  world and are highly sought after by art collectors. There is a 
 huge variety of mask types found in Africa which makes classifying
them a difficult task. Face masks are the most common mask type.
 They are used throughout Africa. The artists who create mask
are given a special status. They use various materials, included are
leather, metal, fabric and various types of wood.
One of the main characteristics of culture of African peoples
 is use of masks in rituals and ceremonies. These masks often
represent a spirit and it is strongly believed  that the spirit of the
 ancestors possesses the wearer. Some masks are used as Icons
 of power to ward off evil spirits and some are used to celebrate
 and thank the ancestors during crop harvesting. Though
over the last few decades there has been a sharp decline in masking rituals.
Acrylic on canvas, 29.9"x29.9"
Available, If interested contact
In my painting ,I have juxtaposed these mask drawings in a complex
 composition and warm color tones which depicts the warmness
of the African continent. Since many African societies see masks
 as mediators between the living world and the supernatural world
 of the dead, or their ancestors, I have titled the painting "Mediators".
You will notice the lines on the faces in the painting. These are 
 the tribal marks and are passed down from family to family. These
 are used mainly to differentiate the ethnic groups. Along with the
ethnic identification these are also associated with the spiritual
or religious practices.

Thursday, December 4, 2014

"Destiny" acrylic painting by Manisha Vedpathak

Acrylic on canvas,50x70 cms
The sketch of this girl reminded me of my househelp
who worked for me some years back. Her name was
Destiny and I thought that the expressions on the face
in my painting also tries to say ,"I wonder, what is in
my destiny?".
Having said this, a question popped into my mind ,
how many of us believe in the concept of destiny?
 Do you believe that you can control or shape
your destiny?
Would greatly appreciate a feedback from my readers.

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

"Gaze between the lines" acrylic painting by Manisha Vedpathak

 "Gaze between the lines"
Acrylic on canvas, 31"X24"

I was unsure of the title when I finished this painting.
I decided to play a game of titles with one of Accra expat groups
 on facebook and I was amazed with the enthusiam shown by
the group members. Many people did try to read her expression
and suggested me some titles, which gave me a direction to 
think. I actually loved this game as  it is so exciting to know the 
viewer's  perspective . And thus I came to the title,
"Gaze between the lines".
Hope you all enjoy this painting.

Thursday, July 3, 2014

"Imposed"....An acrylic painting by Manisha Vedpathak

Acrylic on canvas
Another doodle art converted into a painting.
This doodle was done while I was watching
an African movie. While I was painting I got
so engaged in getting the expressions on the faces
of these girls that I almost erased most of the crooked,
curved lines that served as outlines.
I thought of the title "Imposed",  as the girls in that
African movie had a lot of social barriers imposed
on them which I tried to symbolize using vertical
lines on their faces.
Would love to have your feedback.
 Tomorrow I will be travelling to India for 2 months.
Hope to keep in touch while in India. Till then
have  safe and pleasant summer holidays.

Friday, June 27, 2014

"Veiled"....An acrylic painting by Manisha Vedpathak

Acrylic on canvas, 19.68"x19.68
I really like doing these faces. These are the
creations when my hubby and daughter doesn't
want me to do any other activity than giving them
company to watch a movie or any cricket match
 which I am not interested in. These doodled faces
 are then painted whenever I take a break from
 painting  big canvases.
Hope you all enjoy this!

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Reworked Manisha Vedpathak

I like to go back to my old paintings and if I get any idea ,
I play with the artwork. Fortunately most of the time the
 outcome is good. Here are three of them and this is final.
now I don't think there is any chance to play around with these pieces.

Tuesday, February 4, 2014